
robominds Blog

News from the world of AI robotics
Mar 2023
Warehouse Automation
Photocredits: Adobe Stock

The 5 best logistics innovations for medium-sized companies

High energy costs, disrupted supply chains, the additional costs of climate change and the aftermath of a pandemic – German SMEs across all industries are under enormous pressure.

As these challenges were not already enough to deal with, another threat is already building on the horizon: The shortage of skilled workers. How can technological innovations help face these challenges when it comes to logistics? In the latest whitepaper of our Partner Noyes Technologies GmbH, CEO Marco Prueglmeier presents five logistics innovations as problem solvers for the present and the future - including AI robotics.

5 specific innovation topics for SMEs

Out of countless possibilities for logistics innovations, five concrete applications specifically for medium-sized companies have been selected below and provided with examples.

1. Support of employees through Wearables
2. Introduction of a small fleet of AMRs (Autonomous Mobile Robots)
3. Installation of a robotized nano warehouse
4. Commissioning of a pick robot for parts/box handling
5. Teleoperation of trucks on the factory premises

All these examples deliver immediate added value for a low investment (rapid ROI) and can be implemented without major intervention in the factory or IT. In addition, for each of these innovations, there are also corresponding implementation partners available who have already been able to gain experience in the conversion of processes and can therefore provide advice and support to medium-sized businesses.

Download Whitepaper

Vivien Weiser
Marketing Managerin