
robominds Blog

News from the world of AI robotics
Oct 2024
Tech News
Photocredits: robominds

robominds becomes official supporter of the Good Work Charter by the European robotics industry

The AI robotics company robominds has officially signed the Good Work Charter created by the European robotics industry under the auspices of VDMA Robotics + Automation. By supporting the initiative, the company points out a clear statement for a responsible and human-centered approach to artificial intelligence and robotics. This initiative by VDMA R + A outlines ten key principles designed to shape a positive and sustainable future world of work to actively support the transition to the new technological era.

Good Work Charter: 10 Principles for Shaping the Work of the Future

Technological progress is currently rapidly reshaping the world of work, with robots and humans working more closely together to achieve enhanced results. To secure the full potential of these innovations, it is essential to actively support this transition. Therefore, the European robotics industry has defined 10 focus areas to shape the future of good work, making it beneficial for employees, businesses and society. In the Good Work Charter, topics such as tackling demographic change, human-robot-collaboration or sustainability are discussed, always putting humans in the centre.  The initiative is already supported by robotics companies such as FANUC, KUKA and NEXT.Robotics - and now has a further supporter.

Fariba Khatami, Manager European Membership and Service Robotics at VDMA R + A.:

“robominds’ dedication to making AI robotics accessible to humans and industries aligns perfectly with the principles of the Good Work Charter. We’re excited to see how they’ll continue to lead by example in creating technology that not only advances industries but also prioritizes the people who drive them.”

robominds CEO Tobias Rietzler presenting the official Good Work Charter Supporter Certificate

robominds: AI Technology with a Purpose

Since founding robominds in 2016, it has always been the company’s mission to make AI robotics easy-to-use and accessible for everyone to support humans and shape a better future. With the robobrain AI technology, the company efficiently automates resource-consuming processes in sectors such as manufacturing, logistics and production. With its easy-to-use AI skill approach, robominds drives a technological change that empowers organizations and companies to be prepared for the future and create a better working environment.

robominds CEO Tobias Rietzler:

“We understand that digital transformation must be implemented thoughtfully, ensuring AI robotics serves as a collaborative tool to enhance human work, not replace it. We aim for a technology supporting human workers, enhancing job satisfaction and paving the way for future industries. As a supporter of the Good Work Charter, we are more committed than ever to creating solutions that put people first”.

With its recently launched education initiative, the company currently advocates for more skill development and knowledge acquisition around AI and robotics, in order to equip the next generations with the needed skills for the future. The initiative perfectly aligns with the Good Work Charters call to inspire young people for the STEM  subjects and a continuous skill development.

For more details about the VDMA Good Work Charter click here

Maurice Brodhun
Head of Marketing