
robominds Blog

News from the world of AI robotics
Aug 2024
Tech News
Photocredits: robominds

Press release: robominds launches education offensive for more AI expertise in Germany

The AI robotics company robominds is launching an initiative to strengthen training in handling artificial intelligence in Germany. With this, the technology company aims to address the shortage of skilled labor by not only empowering universities and educational institutions with AI competence but also encouraging German companies to engage with the future technology to avoid falling behind. The newly launched robominds Education Bundle offers user-friendly AI skills for robots, enabling everyone to enter the world of AI robotics thanks to robominds' extensive know-how.

“We don't have a skilled labor shortage, we have an education problem!”

The shortage of skilled labor in Germany has more than doubled in the last 10 years, with 82 percent of German companies struggling to fill vacancies in 2024*. Artificial intelligence has the potential to counteract this negative trend, but the technology must be fundamentally understood to be used profitably. The key to this is education. Christian Fenk, CSO at robominds and initiator of the education initiative:

“We don't have a skilled labor shortage, we have an education problem! Both companies and educational institutions need to take action now to ensure that Germany doesn’t fall behind economically. Other countries are already much more active in this area and have gained a head start."

He further emphasizes:

"I urge all educational institutions, vocational school teachers, professors, and lecturers to actively engage with AI. AI in robotics is much more than just a ChatGPT account, and investment should not be an obstacle as federal and state governments already offer comprehensive funding programs.”

Patrick Schwarzkopf (VDMA R+A): “AI should be integrated into the STEM subjects”

Industry and research voices also see a strong integration of AI into the education system as urgently necessary:

“People need to understand AI and be able to assess its possibilities, limitations, and impacts, which makes integration into STEM subjects essential. If the next generation only learns classical sciences, math, and technology without computer science and AI, we will lose our edge. The earlier we ignite a passion for technology, the better. Nothing is better suited than robots to generate interest in math, physics, coding, AI, technology, and more” says Patrick Schwarzkopf, Managing Director of the VDMA Robotics + Automation Association. Prof. Dr. Ing. Simon Dietrich, Professor of Production Technology and Robotics at the University of Applied Sciences Augsburg, also appeals to companies: “In addition to qualifications in undergraduate programs, there must also be part-time continuing education offerings. We need to build competencies for handling AI systems in companies as quickly as possible. Even if a company does not yet decide to introduce this technology itself, it will inevitably come into contact with it through interactions with customers and suppliers.”

The robominds Education Bundle: Complex AI simply packaged

With the robominds Education Bundle, companies and educational institutions can integrate artificial intelligence tailored to their needs by choosing from a variety of modules. Options include integrating an AI robotics cell, a robobrain® specifically designed for training with appropriate entry-level skills for robots, demo programs for industrial processes, training materials, workshops, and keynotes. “It doesn’t matter whether there is already expertise in robotics or programming. We make AI robotics simple and tangible for everyone and support with our expertise from the very beginning,” says Christian Fenk.

Hands-On Learning and Implementation of AI

An example of how easily AI robotics can be successfully integrated into the educational plan is currently being demonstrated at the University of Applied Sciences Augsburg. Here, the robobrain® has been used for some time for practical and interactive learning. Dr. Simon Dietrich is convinced: “The fascination with working with this system is great because a lot of functionality can be realized in a short time. Participants learn to integrate AI-supported image processing to efficiently automate pick & place processes with intelligent capabilities.” Patrick Schwarzkopf also sees the potential of the technology for the education sector: “robominds offers an intuitive technology that users can easily grasp and understand. That’s how it felt for me when I tried it for the first time. Robots are a very good vehicle because you can easily relate to them – arm, hand, fingers, eye.”

On a mission with a strong partner network

As part of its education initiative, robominds also relies on its strong regional partner network: “With NEXT.Robotics and Adolf Neuendorf, we have two particularly established partners in the education segment on our side, which gives our initiative even more impact.” Together, the first step involves equipping already established robotic cells in educational environments with the robobrain® AI. Joint webinars and workshops with the IHK will also help make AI robotics accessible to everyone.

Christian Fenk (robominds, right) demonstrates the robominds Education Bundle on site in Berlin at partner Adolf Neuendorf (left: Thoralf Thimian, centre: Sebastian Mattern) - Source: Adolf Neuendorf

About robominds – True AI made in Germany

With more than 8 years of experience in developing genuine AI technology for robots, robominds has set itself the task of revolutionizing the industry as a market leader for intelligent robotics. With robobrain® - the brain for industrial robots – robominds lays the foundation for innovative, AI-based solutions in robotics, advancing both its customer projects and its vision: to equip every robot with a brain. In collaboration with various companies in the robotics industry, new solutions for production, logistics, and laboratories are continuously being developed.

*Source: ManPowergroup (2024): MPG-Studie: Fachkräftemangel

Maurice Brodhun
Head of Marketing