
robominds Blog

News from the world of AI robotics
Jul 2024
Warehouse Automation
Photocredits: Pexels

AI for Production and Logistics - Interview with Prof. Dr. Fottner

In the dynamic fields of production and logistics, companies face significant challenges, particularly due to increased product individualization, market volatility and evolving business models. To explore these issues and potential solutions, we interviewed Prof. Dr.-Ing. Johannes Fottner, a leading expert in the field.

This interview sets the stage for a deep dive into the challenges and solutions in production and logistics, highlighting the expertise and forward-thinking perspective of Prof. Dr. Johannes Fottner.He identifies three major challenges: the logistical complexities of high product variety, market demand volatility getting worse by events like Black Friday and the Christmas season, and the shift towards pay-per-use and service-based models. He discusses how these issues strain production and distribution systems.

Technology and AI offer promising solutions: Prof. Dr. Fottner highlights the advancements in automation, flexibility, and scalability, along with the potential for AI to enhance system adaptability and self-optimization. He emphasizes the need for a balanced, well-planned approach to AI adoption, comparing different global strategies.

Looking ahead, Prof. Dr. Fottner envisions a future where AI and automation address workforce shortages and boost efficiency. He stresses the importance of valuing both skilled labor and high-level academic contributions, supported by technological advancements. For companies, he recommends clear objectives, process integration, and continuous learning to successfully implement smart automation and AI technologies.

Read the full interview here

Maurice Brodhun
Head of Marketing